Are you actively fellowshipping with other believers? The place of fellowship in the life of a believer cannot be overlooked. This is because the success and victory of a Christian lie greatly in his or her fellowship with other Christians. This post gives the 7 reasons to fellowship with other children of God.
Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the day approaching – Hebrews 10:25 (NKJV).
Every Christian needs some person(s) to hold his or her hands in this race. This is because those who walk alone get attacked and are defeated easily. However, two people can withstand the enemy, and three persons are not easily broken (Ecclesiastes 4:12). Therefore, it’s important that we don’t walk alone. However, it’s equally vital, that you walk with like minds if you want their influence to affect you positively. So, as a believing Christian, you’re to fellowship with other believing Christians, and not be unequally yoked with unbelievers (2 Corinthians 6:14).
The 7 Reasons To Fellowship With Other Children Of God
It Is Commanded
The scripture in Hebrews 10:25 tells us not to forsake the assembling of ourselves together. And if we’re truly children of God who love Him, we will obey this instruction. Also, remember that the Lord’s instructions are for our good, and are peaceable fruits to those trained by it (Hebrews 12:11).
We’re Not Made An Island
God structured man to need one another. And God buttressed this many times in scriptures by instructing them to walk together with a minimum of two by two. This is such that what one lacks the other(s) will supply. Again, it eliminates to a great extent, if not completely, the challenge of loneliness (Genesis 2:18).
It’s for the sharpening of your faith
Fellowshipping with other children of God enables you to sharpen your faith with others. Those that work with the wise will be wise, and that also means that it will boost your faith too. Remember, faith comes by hearing the word of God. So, as you come together with other children of God, you share the word, which builds up your faith.
Walking with people of the same faith keeps you encouraged. This is because, when you’re discouraged and you fellowship with brethren, you will hear something that will lift up your spirit. For example, you can hear a testimony of a person who passed through your type of challenge and overcame it. Note that when the enemy wants to destroy you, he will first isolate you from encouragers with God’s word. So, please beware! The truth will always make you free (John 8:32).
Prayer of Agreement
The word of God says that if two people shall ask and agree concerning anything, they will get it. And fellowship with other children of God is a great channel to have your prayers answered through the prayer of agreement. This is because they’re people of like minds with you. And they will agree with you based on God’s word.
Presence Of God
God appears where two or three persons gather in His name (Matthew 18:20). And in His presence, there is fullness of joy (Psalm 16:11). So, fellowship with the children of God is a sure way of enjoying God’s presence and the joy that comes with Him.
Blessings of God
Not only will you have the joy of the Lord when you fellowship with the children of God, but you will also enjoy other blessings of God. For, the Lord will channel His blessings through His children who are willing to distribute to others. And God has instructed that we should do good especially to those who are of the household of faith (Galatians 6:10). So, children of God who are in a position to help anyone will start first with those who fellowship with them.
Truly, two are better than one, for if one falls, the other will lift up his companion. Anyone who keeps away from the brethren is secluding himself or herself for the enemy to attack and destroy. Assuredly, the place of fellowship with the children of God cannot be overlooked. Surely, the righteous falls seven times and rises again, but woe is the person who has no persons to raise him or her up. Therefore, ensure that you embrace this instruction not to avoid the fellowship with brethren. And ensure that you don’t miss any opportunity to fellowship with other children of God.
Article by Ngozi Nwoke. Published by permission from Ngozi Nwoke is a teacher, counselor, and author of “Peace Money Can’t Buy” and “The Man Jesus”. She has a passion to teach people how to enjoy peace, God’s love, and Christian living for a more fulfilling life. Want a more fulfilling life? Subscribe for free email updates today. Article Source: